Service Partners

Equal Consulting has formed a strategic alliances with a number of Service Partners, which are engaged on a per assignment basis. The strength of these alliances is based on shared values, mutual trust and respect.
Bunbury CCI
Department of Consumer and Employment Protection
TAFE (South West)

A summary of our Service Partners is provided as follows:

Bunbury CCIReturn to Top of Page

Business Enterprise Centre
The Bunbury Chamber of Commerce and Industry assists organisations, particularly small to medium enterprises, in capturing and maintaining markets. As part of this, Bunbury CCI have recognised the need for sound management systems to control processes and deliver the required outcomes.

In late 1995, Bunbury CCI in association with Leschenault BEC, engaged Equal Consulting to design and deliver training specific to local industry needs.

Equal Consulting continues to provide a range of training resources in areas such as quality, leadership and human resources management.

Contact:Alison Lannin
Position:Centre Manager
Postal Address:P.O. Box 1341, BUNBURY, WA, 6231
Telephone:+61 8 9791 2666
Fax:+61 8 9791 4094
Email:[email protected]

Department of Consumer and Employment ProtectionReturn to Top of Page

Worksafe WA
Since its early days as a co-operative, Equal Consulting has maintained a close association with WorkSafe WA.

In early 2006, Equal Consulting was registered under Western Australia's "ThinkSafe Small Business Assistance Program".

This Program has been designed specifically to assist small businesses, particularly those in high-risk industries, in implementing safe practices in the workplace. Equal Consulting supports this initiative by providing up to three hours free consulting, in the form of an on-site assessment, to eligible participants.

Further details can be obtained by contacting Equal Consulting or Worksafe WA.

Contact:Gemma Brown
Position:ThinkSafe Manager
Postal Address:PO Box 294, WEST PERTH, WA, 6872
Telephone:61 8 9327 8769
Fax:61 8 9321 2148
Email:[email protected]

TAFE (South West)Return to Top of Page

Western Australian Institute of Management
The Western Australian Institute of Management is a professional Training Organisation based in the South West regions of WA. It commenced operations in September 1997 in response to the increasing demand for high quality business and management training being available locally.

Training is provided in areas such as computing, human resource management, sales and marketing, quality management and workplace training.

Equal Consulting has been associated with WAIM since 1997 in the provision of consulting and training resources, throughout the South West of Western Australia.

Contact:David Gilmour
Position:Manager Commercial Services
Postal Address:P.O. Box 1895, BUNBURY, WA, 6231




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